Due to rapid urban growth witnessed in the Country, there are huge requirements of building materials & construction technologies for the current as well as future construction of buildings & related infrastructure in urban areas.
The conventional materials such as cement, steel, aggregates etc. are finite in nature due to limited natural resources. Further, the rampant utilization of these resources is resulting in its fast depletion and degradation of the environment. The prevalent system of conventional construction is not sustainable and resulting in high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At the same time, there is growing global & national concern about sustainability & climate change aspects in buildings. India is already committed for net zero emissions by 2070 & building sector is a significant Green House Gas (GHG) emitter, contributing 39% of the global carbon emissions, in the 2021 (As per UNEP, “2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction”). In large cities, the contribution of GHG emission by buildings is much higher. Therefore, it is very important to adopt transformative measures in construction & operations of the buildings.
With the efforts of R&D / Technical Institutions, Public & Private Agencies, Innovators, Professionals etc., there have been the advancements in the Building Materials & Construction Practices, both in the form of new materials/ practices as well as improvement in existing practices at national level. In this regard, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, GoI has taken significant initiative such as Global Housing Technology Challenge (GHTC)-India, under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) – Urban to identify and promote emerging building materials and construction technologies. Six Light House Projects using distinct innovative technologies have been implemented in different regions of the country. The objective of GHTC-India is to bring paradigm shift in building construction through use of innovative buildings technologies/ materials, which bring speed, quality, disaster resilience & sustainability. It is also to be noted that in recently launched PMAY (Urban) 2.0, the use of innovative building technologies/ products/ components has been incentivized for housing construction under different verticals.
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council, MoHUA, Govt. of India has been working towards identifying, evaluating, certifying and propagating alternate/ innovative materials and construction practices for housing.
With the above background, BMTPC is organizing the National Conference on “Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies”, to take stock of the new initiatives in the field of building materials & construction practices and provide opportunity to all the stakeholders to come together and share their experience & knowledge for the benefit of the nation at large.
As a part of the event, Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies Expo-2025 (IBMCTE-2025) will also be organized where Technology Providers, Manufactures, Public & Private Construction Agencies, Research Organizations, Govt. Agencies etc., may showcase their products, technologies and other initiatives for wider dissemination and use.
The Conference is planned to cover different requirements of buildings & related infrastructure.
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Guidelines for Paper Submission
The Council has planned the whole Conference under various themes to have detailed discussions. Each session will be addressed by the eminent key experts working in that area for the benefit of participants during the Conference. Other participants, whose papers are selected, will also get an opportunity to highlight their work through paper/poster presentation during the Conference. Interested speakers/exhibitors may submit their full paper for consideration of the Technical Committee of the Conference by January 31, 2025. The selected papers will be published in Conference Proceedings. Papers are to be in MS Word format. Any photographs/charts should have high resolution.
Participants of the Conference
• Public & Private Construction Agencies, Developers, Contractors
• Engineers, Architects, Professionals
• Technology Providers of mass housing technologies & individual houses
• Representatives from Central/State/ULBs working in the area of Housing & Urban Development, implementation of PMAY (U) 2.0
• Researchers/Students working in the area of Housing & human settlements/pursuing engineering and architectural courses
• Academicians from various engineering & architectural colleges
• Technocrats involved in housing activities/programmes
• Government and Non-Government Organizations working in the area of Housing
• Plant / Machine manufacturers, Product manufacturers
• International agencies/ Funding agencies working for environment friendly materials and construction technologies
Themes for Paper Presentations
• Precast concrete construction system for Building
• Steel Based Building Components and Structural Systems
• Formwork System including Stay in Place Formwork System for Buildings
• Sandwich Panel System
• 3D Concrete Printing System
• Innovative Walling, Roofing Products
• Energy & Thermal Efficiency in Building
• Industrial/Agricultural waste based products/ Components
• Construction and Demolition Wastes Recycling Technologies
• Green Building Materials / Technologies, Green Cement and other Cementitious Products
• Innovation in Concrete Design, Production and Use
• Steel reinforcement and Connectors
• Water Proofing and Construction Chemicals and Systems.
• Water Supply & Sanitation
• Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Technologies
• Renewable Energy for Habitat
• Disaster Resistant Construction Practices and Tools
• Machineries for Building Product
• Rainwater Harvesting
• Quality Assurance and Standardization
There is no Registration Fee for participation