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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… National Conference-cum-Expo on Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies from March 19-20, 2025 at New Delhi

Particulars of organization, functions and duties



The Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) was set up in 1990 by the then Ministry of Urban Development (now Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs), Government of India, as an apex level inter-ministerial institution for promotion, development and large scale dissemination of new, cost effective, innovative, energy-efficient, environment-friendly and disaster resistant building materials and construction technologies from lab to field.


BMTPC to be world class knowledge and demonstration hub for providing solutions to all with special focus on common man in the area of sustainable building materials, appropriate construction technologies & systems including disaster resistant construction.


To work towards a comprehensive and integrated approach for promotion and transfer of potential, cost-effective, environment-friendly, disaster resistant building materials and technologies including locally available materials from lab to land for sustainable development of housing.


  • Building Materials & Construction Technologies: To promote development, standardization, mechanization and large scale field application of innovative and emerging building materials and technologies in the construction sector.

  • Capacity Building and Skill Development: To work as a Training Resource Centre for capacity building and promotion of good construction practices to professionals, construction agencies, artisans and marketing of building technologies from lab to land.

  • Disaster Mitigation & Management: To promote methodologies and technologies for natural disaster mitigation, vulnerability & risk reduction and retrofitting/ reconstruction of buildings and disaster resistant planning for human settlements.

  • Project Management & Consultancy: To undertake project management and consultancy services including appraisal, monitoring and third party inspection of housing projects under the various Central/State Schemes.

Major Thrust Areas

  • Identification, evaluation and promotion of proven and emerging housing technologies available for housing sector nationally and internationally.

  • Promoting speed, economy, efficiency and quality in construction.

  • Creating enabling eco-system for mass application of technologies through upscaling of technologies, know-how acquisition, absorption and dissemination.

  • Field level application of environment-friendly, energy-efficient and disaster resistant technologies for proven, locally available and emerging technologies, through demonstration construction.

  • Formulation of Specifications, Schedules, Standards on proven building materials/technologies including emerging technologies/systems.

  • Documentation of benefits, durability and acceptability of cost effective and innovative building materials and technologies.

  • Skill upgradation of professionals and construction workers through capacity building programmes, training programmes, seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions nationally as well as internationally.

  • Promoting disaster resistant construction technologies.

  • Appraisal, monitoring and third party inspection of housing projects including undertaking project management and consultancy services.

  • Publication of user manuals, guidelines, compendiums, directories, brochures, techno-feasibility reports, video films, demonstration CDs, interactive website, blogs including documentation of success stories.


Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All…… since 1990
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