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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… National Conference-cum-Expo on Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies from March 19-20, 2025 at New Delhi

System Components
Initial Cost Structure
Critical Factors
1. Thickness of stone lintel
2. Span of the opening
3. Bearing of stone lintel
4. Quality of stone
Tools Used
1.     Trowel                           5. Pans
2.     Water level tube             6. Rope
3.     Straight edge
4.     Hammer & Chisel
1. Stone lintels should be placed only
    after the construction of masonry upto
    lintel level
2. Thickness of stone lintel should be at
    least one tenth of span
3. Lintel should have a minimum of 30cm
    bearing on either side
1. Stone lintel should not be built in
2. Stone should not be of poor tensile
3. Stone lintel should not have cracks
Construction Process
Place the stone lintel and apply mortar
Check the level of the lintel with water level
Lay cement mortar over the stone lintel
Place blocks over the stone lintel
Continue the construction above the lintel
Check the sill level using water level for place the window
Apply cement mortar and place the window frame in position
Raise the masonry on either side to the lintel level and spread mortar over the frame to place window lintel
Place stone lintel over the opening
A finished window lintel

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